
Welcome, Francisco Ramirez is a self-taught visual artist who was born in Mexico City, Mexico. His family migrated from Michoacan to San Jose when he was seven years old and quickly settled in the East part of San José. Francisco gained stability and a sense of purpose when he discovered painting at a young age. He enjoys making art from whatever materials he could find turning him into a very resourceful artist. He explored drawing, sculpture, oils and photography but his preferred medium and attention is in acrylics.


After he was given an artist residency, he became a full-time artist and now earns a living through commissions, murals work, signs, vending at art festivals and selling reproduction of his work and his paintings directly. 


Since Francisco started working on murals in San José, he has realized the importance of highlighting the history and people of the area, with the intention of showing gratitude and humility,  Francisco regularly paints with the muralist collective TWC (Together We Create) and works consistently with Local Color to produce culturally relevant murals. He also is a part of Kaleid Gallery located in Downtown San Jose.


Since 2017, Francisco has collaborated on and created many murals throughout Santa Clara County and has also produced murals for three pedestrian walkways in San José, including at Quetzal Gardens and across Alum Rock Avenue from the Mexican Heritage Plaza (La Plaza).